Compile from source

Install stack

Download the latest release of stack for your platform.

OR use the command below:

curl -Lk | tar xz --strip-components=1 -C /usr/bin


Older Linux distribution may still use libgmp4, i.e, Centos 6.x. If that is the case, you need to download the version compiled with libgmp4. For example, something like “Linux 64-bit, libgmp4 for CentOS 6.x”.

Download Taiji source and install GHC

Download the latest source code and unpack it.

tar zxf Taiji-X.X.X.tar.gz

Go into the source code directory and install GHC.

cd Taiji-X.X.X
stack setup

Install Taiji

Once you have a working copy of GHC, you can proceed to install the dependencies (This will take a long time for the first time). Under the source code directory, type:

stack install

After the installation, the taiji executable should be in /home/yourname/.local/bin. Please add this directory to the PATH environment variable (Do not know how to do this? See Linux Primer).